Wednesday, February 6, 2013

More Visitors!

My parents came to visit last weekend, which was very fun! It was definitely a tennis weekend, from Kate receiving a racquet from Grandpa right when they arrived, to getting to play a little, to watching Eric's team play.
Friday was so nice!  Will and I both got to hit with Grandpa Leo. 
Kate's new racquet!

Eric's team played at the University of Portland on Saturday and Sunday.  We really enjoyed watching the matches!

Attempt at a family picture:).  Will said it was way too bright to look at the camera.
Our kids aren't used to so much sun:). 
Here's one with them looking, but no smiles:).  One of these times, I'm hoping we'll get both! 
Then back home to the sandbox.
Walking back from the swing park with Grandma.

His last match was in Vancouver, WA.  I drove over with Will and thought we would just stay for the doubles, but I kept wanting to watch more! And Will hung in there thanks to snacks, drinks, and my i-phone:).
Will and Eric at the Portland State match. 

Other things we did in February. . . .

We had fun taking Emma and Braden to the zoo with us while their parents were out of town!

Putting together a lego car!
Happy Valentine's Day!!
So much fun!
Grace and Will love watching shows. And Kate isn't sure how they can sit and be quiet for so long! 
Just hanging out. . .
Yay for Valentine's Day candy!! 

Will had a visit at his school from the Queen of Hearts.