Friday, April 17, 2015

Happy Easter!

Tulip Festival.  . .

The kids had the saddest easter egg hunt at the tulip festival! They were lined up behind a ton of kids, and didn't get one egg!! So so sad.  But then the people in charge felt bad for them and gave them a few eggs.  And it was so pretty there, that it was still a fun field trip:).

The fun part about getting no eggs at the tulip festival, was that it was especially fun to get eggs at Grandma Reen's!! 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Spring Break. . .

We had fun spending the kids' spring break in Colusa with all the cousins!

Alumni tennis! The kids took over for the first half!

Climbing time!

Will bought Grandpa a basketball for his birthday, and had fun taking it to the park. 

Don't worry Erin and Luke, Grace has it under control:).