Saturday, January 9, 2016

Winter Break

The week after Christmas, we went to the beach for a few days.  It was great to have a change of scene, and especially great because it was sunny the whole time!  It was absolutely freezing, but so beautiful!   

Annie and I hung out here for about 5 minutes before we had to keep moving! 
Pat and I out for a New Year's Day walk.  Again, freezing, but so pretty! 
The house we stayed at is amazing!

For some reason, they were cracking up during dinner! 

the views were so pretty!! 

Watching the sunset with Aunt Kelly.  It was SO cold!! 
Jessica and Tom came for the day with baby Bridget.  

From this. . . .

to this the next day. . . .

Will's snowman, Lucky. 
Time for hot chocolate! 
They had one more day of vacation thanks to the snow, so we went to Bill and Maureen's and they went sledding! 

And more hot chocolate after sledding at Grandma Rene's! 

Sunday, January 3, 2016


We celebrated Christmas Eve at Pat's parents' house.  The kids had fun hanging out with their cousins, and of course, opening presents:). 

Back at home. . .

Watching a Christmas show before they try to wind down before the big night! 

Ready for Santa! Will looks a little overwhelmed by the whole thing:). 

All ready:). 

Blazers tickets! 

Annie got a ball from Santa! 

One of their most exciting gift was their gift to each other. . lollipops!