Tuesday, June 28, 2016

progress on the new house

We've had fun working on our new house this last month!   I haven't taken a lot of pictures, but below are a few of the before pics!  We are hoping to move in in a couple weeks.  I will add more pictures soon!

Grace and Will had a great work day moving rocks.  

We took out the walls that were surrounding the linoleum, and raised the living room floor.  

Friday, June 10, 2016

What we've been up to the last month. . . .

I recently updated my computer which caused me not be able to upload pictures to my blog. . .until now! I finally figured out a way and am posting a lot of the things we have been doing this last month! 

(We've been spending a lot of time at our new house, but I decided to make that a separate post!)

Will's pitching machine team.  Pat was the coach, and there were a lot of helpers! He had a great team with really nice kids!
Will and his friend Sam. 
I helped Bobby coach Kate and Grace's team.  Here is Grace with her cousin Emily. 
Kate and Grace with Emily, and their friends Slater and Colton. 
Kate up to bat! 
This represents the kids' favorite part of the games:) . . . snack time!
It was great to have my mom in town! 

Papa Bill's birthday! 
We had a fun BBQ with Matt and Noel and Muriel and Murray on Memorial Day. 

The kids made a super fun water slide! 
Grace sang "Rudolf The Red Nose Reindeer" for the 1st Annual Grant Watts talent show! 
Someone gave Pat a box of Voodoo Donuts for Donut Day (who knew there was such a thing!) and the kids were super excited about it! 
They were outside at 9am playing in water last Saturday morning because it was so hot!! I loved it!