Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Butte Meadows

It was so great to be able to get to Butte Meadows for the week! And a bonus that there was so much family to hang out with while we were there! 
We had a great week of tennis, creek, and play time! I loved that a few days into the vacation we had a great routine with the kids! They had the tennis clinic, followed by an activity with Aunt Erin or someone else, then rest time, then creek time! Such a fun week! 
Some of the highlights were pizza night at Luke and Erin's, and when Karen, Erin, Pat and I hiked the PCT!

The daily tennis clinic with Eric was amazing! It provided a little bit of structure to our week, and the kids got to learn/practice their skills!

Grace/the kids organized a nightly talent show.  It consisted of juggling, some songs, and mostly crazy dances!
Getting ready for the talent show!

Creektime. . . 
Uncle Eric and Grace's annual splashing war!
Anna and Will had a contest to see who could stay in the water the longest! 

One of the highlights were that there were a lot of kittens for the kids to cuddle with!
Liv and Leo:)!
This was Leo's favorite spot of the week! Just add water. . .
More cats. . .
500 was also a hit!

Leo was very possessive of the magnet blocks! We have to work on his sharing skills:). 

I love this lighting in the mornings!

I loved going to Luke and Erin's new cabin! It's such a pretty setting!
One of my favorite afternoons was when they read to each other for quiet time!

It was so fun to hike the Pacific Crest Trail! I never knew it was so close to Butte Meadows! It was so beautiful!! 

Though it had many kids in tears at one point or another, the Treasure Hunt Eric created was really challenging and fun!

Fun to have movie night after a week of no technology!
Luke and Erin's pizza night was so fun!! 

And more cats. . .
Birthday party! 

Big goodbyes!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Summer, Week 1-Kate's First Communion

School is out! Kind of anticlimactic, but still feels good that it is over.  No more Zoom calls, feelings of guilt that my kids aren't getting their work done, etc..  Yet, it's a little ironic, because the things I am happy to be done with were also the things that gave a structure to our day that I liked.  

Kate got to have her First Communion on Sunday.  She was supposed to have it in April, but wasn't able to since the churches were still closed at that point.  It was just Kate, the five other catechists and their families. It was still very special and she was so excited to get dressed up and have a special day! 

It was fun that Adam was also making his First Communion!
Socially distanced picture with Lorelei!