We had a different Halloween this year as we didn't do the traditional trick or treating, but instead the kids did a treasure hunt with their cousins. The kids loved it, and I was happy they enjoyed it but missed the energy of walking around our neighborhood and seeing everyone in the community out!
Will was an ape, Grace, a wolf, Leo and Leopard, Annie a witch, and Kate a tennis player. I'm grateful for our bin of dress up clothes which is where they mostly found their costumes!
We dump our our costumes around October 1st, and they have fun dressing up in all the costumes, and know they can find something to wear in there!
We stopped by a few neighbors' houses to say hi and pick up treats they had for the kids! It was fun to be back in our old neighborhood!
They had fun doing the treasure hunt with their cousins!! The loot was a little smaller, but I was surprised how much they still got!!
Showing their pumpkins after the pumpkin carving party!
I made everyone go for a walk because it was so beautiful out!!
They had a cupcake decorating competition. Pat was the judge, and Grace won!