Sunday, April 14, 2013

Super Cal and Aunt K Come to Visit!

We had a fun weekend hanging out with Calvin and Kyrstin!

Lunch for Aunt K upon arrival:). 

Calvin showed Will a cool trick he can do with his machine.
Way too cute!! 

Road trip!! Luckily we only drove 5 minutes to look at chickens:).

Grace and Cal had fun with the little chicks.  Cal had no fear of getting close to them!! 
Then to the chicken coop to watch then hens lay eggs. 
Trampoline time! I think it was Cal's first time on the trampoline and he did great! 

Taking advantage of sun breaks:). 

Yay for sandboxes:). 

Yay for cousins:). 

Dora en español:). I know they like watching shows when they can watch it even when the don't understand what's being said! I'm not sure if it's good or bad, but I sure appreciate it!
Great to see you, Aunt K! Until next time. .  .

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