Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Trip to CA. . . Our kickoff to summer!

We had a great week in Butte Meadows and Colusa! It was really fun to get to spend time with everyone!

For some reason all the kids were hanging out on the blanket.  It was too cute, and such a pretty backdrop!! 
Annie's getting a little nervous:). 
One of the highlights of creek time this year was Joey's super shoot! The kids (and adults) loved it! Nice work, Joey!!

It was so hot, that the creek felt awesome! And it was so nice because it was pretty shallow so the kids could get around pretty easily!

Annie thought the creek was great:). 

Grace and Will helped me recover my flip-flop! And Will wanted to carry it back to everyone!
Will or Grace took this picture:).

Tennis lessons. . . .

Grandpa Leo treated the kids to a treat at the Outpost:).  

Fun in the tent! 

COLUSA. . . . .
Family swim at the pubic pool! 

Off to Jeff's with Grandpa! 

Swim time at the La Marr's! 

The kids love playing baseball with Uncle Chris! 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Baseball, birthdays and bbqs

We had so many end of the year celebrations, parties, etc. the last couple weeks of school! First it was a Memorial Day BBQ, then end of t-ball and pitching machine, then Pat's birthday, then end of the school year! So much fun, but also so busy, and so nice to have an end to some of their activities! 

Grace, #9, played her first year of t-ball! She had so much fun. She especially enjoyed the snacks afterward! And she loved having her buddy Kellen on the team! 

Will #11, had fun hitting off the pitching machine! 

Pat's birthday celebration!
We spent Pat's birthday in Gearhart at Bobby and Carrie's place. It was a beautiful day, and we all had a great time!

Happy Birthday, Pat! 
Pat and I went out to dinner to celebrate his birthday! 

End of the year for Grace and Will. . .

Will loved having Mrs. Greisen as his teacher! 

Grace graduated from preschool!

We had a couple BBQS these last few weeks. It was so fun to have people over!

Grandma's visit. . . .
My mom came to help out when Pat was out of town for a few days.  It was great to have her help! Especially with all of the end of year activities we had going on!
Inaugurating our new patio cushions! 
Will's last week of kindergarten.