Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Memorial Weekend

We went to Black Butte Ranch and stayed with the Wilson's at their house.  The forecast was cold and rainy, so we lucked out when we had a half day of sunshine and warm enough temps to go swimming! The backdrop of the mountains is so spectacular! 


Sunday, May 19, 2019

Leo is 2!

e had a fun couple days celebrating Leo's 2nd Birthday! My parents came for the week, and we had a party the day before his birthday because all the kids had games on his actual birthday.  It was fun to celebrate with the grandparents, and his siblings especially were excited for his big day!

Making his duck cake with Grandma. 

Birthday morning! 

Grace made the menu of waffles and "bar bars" for breakfast:). 

More baking with Grandma! 

Popsicle celebration with cousins! 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Will's 11th Birthday

Will is 11! We had a fun couple days celebrating him. He wanted to go to an arcade with his cousins, so we headed to Wunderland, then we had a last minute popcicle party with some of his friends before baseball practice.  The next day was his actual birthday, where he requested eggs and donuts for breakfast, Dairy Queen for lunch at school, and grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner with Grandma Reen and Papa Bill.   It was really fun! 

He was especially excited about his Hot Wheels set! So was Leo:). 

After a lot of work, they finally put his present together!