Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Will is 8!

We had fun celebrating Will over the weekend.  His birthday was on Friday, which was fun, because he could celebrate at school:).  Our family celebrated with him on Friday night with his request of Burger King and apple pie:), and Saturday he had a party at the park with some friends and family.  
Will's got a bat for his birthday from Pat and I.  And it was awesome b/c he go the Blazers jersey last year, and both years they had a playoff game on his birthday! So he wore it all day for the big game:). 
He wanted apple pie instead of cake (inspired by my mom).  It was fun to make it, and so yummy! 

He wanted an outdoor sports day for his party, and we lucked out because it was so pretty! 
Grandma Reen and Papa Bill with Annie and Jane. 

And closing the day with Monopoly!  

Palm Springs

I had a great weekend with my college girlfriends in Palm Springs! We try to get together every year or so, and as always, it was great to connect with friends! We all appreciated, even those who brought their kids, the luxury of having no agenda and hanging out by the pool all day! 

I didn't take a lot of pictures, because I was too busy relaxing:), but below are a couple from our weekend! 

We had drinks/appetizers over at the resort one of the nights! 
This was our whole day on Saturday, just lounging by the pool:).