Friday, May 19, 2017

A little sunshine, bowling, and baseball. . . .

These pics are from a few weeks ago, when we got a little warmer days! It was probably only 65 degrees, but they treated it like 85 with water balloon fights and slip and slide:).

And Will went to a birthday party at the bowling ally a couple months ago, and had to leave before he could bowl, so decided he wanted to go bowling for his bday with his sisters. It was more fun then I anticipated!!

Will wanted to go bowling for his birthday, so we went the weekend before when they had a day off of school. I was pleasantly surprised how much we all enjoyed it! 

Saying good bye to our good friends who are moving to Mexico! 

Will's first minor's baseball game! He was up first and pitched.  I was SO nervous for him, but he did a great job!