Monday, March 29, 2021

Chicks and Back to School, Round 2. . ..

Grace and Will got to go back to school a month after Kate and Annie! It was a little bittersweet dropping all five off in the morning! But once I got over the wave of sadness, it was almost magical to be back at the house by myself for the morning! Right now, they go Monday and Tuesday all day, and are home on Wednesday-Friday. 

We bought 6 new chicks! They were about 3 weeks old when we got them. The kids are super excited and have names for all of them. 

They wanted to get pictures when the chicks were about 7 weeks old! They are getting so big so fast! 
Enjoying a nice day!

Kate wanted to donate her hair to Locks for Love.  She was kind of sad after because she liked having long hair, but was glad she did it! 

I had a lot of fun this winter taking Grace to play soccer at Delta Park.  She played soccer because there was no basketball this year.  
Emily and Adam came over for dinner one night and it was so beautiful out!! It felt like the kick off to spring! 


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

My Mom's Visit, The Snowstorm, and Valentine's Day!

We had a very exciting weekend of my mom visiting, the biggest snowstorm we've experienced in a few years, and Valentine's Day.  And though the later is not a huge holiday in our house, it seemed significant to throw it in because it added to the already great excitement in our household!! 

My mom was a great sport, leaving 75 degree weather for 25 degree weather😬! I don't think she had ever been in such a storm!  It was fun to have her with us as we were basically trapped in our home! The kids loved playing games with her and it was just a fun energy to have a guest with us while we experienced something so unique, even for us! 

Fortunately, we were still able to get out and walk everyday! And it was really pretty, especially when the sun peaked through!! 

Stuffie time with grandma:). 

The girls made me so nervous going down the hill on the discs! They went so fast! 

Sledding at Bobby and Carrie's! 

New haircuts!

The big storm was gone, but we still had some snow for a few days! 

Grace was especially concerned that there wouldn't be enough treats because of no school parties for Valentine's Day this year. Therefore, she spent a lot of time making cute bags/Valentine's for everyone. She was pleasantly surprised that we also gave her Valentines:).  It ended up being more of a celebration than I anticipated! 
The kids made cute cards! 
Great to have Grandma there to make cookies with them!! 

And one of the coolest things on Valentine's Day was that they added an extra mass because they had to cancel the Saturday night mass because of the storm.  Pat and I signed up for it, and it turned out it was just Pat and I at the mass😂. It was so great to have our own private service, especially on Valentine's Day because he said a blessing on our marriage, which we can never have enough of:).  

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Back to School and around the house. . .

10 months and 22 days later, they are back at school:).  Just Annie and Kate, and just Mondays and Tuesdays, but we will take it! 
They were so excited, and Pat and I had so much fun dropping them off for their first day.  Annie's first day of Kindergarten! 

Third grade and Kindergarten! 

We like our chickens:).

Annie wore her Chinese New Year mask for a whole day straight! 
Annette gave the kids materials to make blankets! 
I'm still loving "Just Dance".
They like to get all the stuffies out and play with them:). 
One of my favorite things we've been doing lately are family dinners on Fridays where the kids make the meal.  One kid is in charge of dinner, one is in charge of dessert, and one sets the table.  Grace started it a few weeks ago when she wanted to make homemade mac n cheese.  It's been really fun to see what they come up with.  So far, we've had mac n cheese, Boboli, English muffin pizzas, homemade tomato soup and grilled cheese, burritos, and sloppy joes with tater tots.  I love having the night off, and love that the kids are learning to gain confidence in the kitchen!