Saturday, October 9, 2021

Luke and Erin’s Visit

 It was so fun to have Luke and his family come visit! We were super grateful that it could happen with everything that has gone on this last year and a half! And now as I write this, I'm feeling especially grateful that we were all healthy and had no broken bones😬!! We loved getting to spend time with them!! 

Annie’s Birthday

We had fun celebrating Annie's 7th birthday! She wanted pancakes for breakfast, hot dogs for lunch, and eggs for dinner! Mindy and Carrie and their kids came for swimming in the afternoon, and Grandma Reen and Papa Bill came for a scambled egg dinner:).  I'm grateful for Annie's sweet spirit, and kindness to others! 

Having fun with her new gifts:). 


Spending time with friends over the summer. . .

A great highlight of summer was having friends come over to swim or just hang out! Especially coming off a year when we didn't spend as much time with friends!  I didn't always take pictures of our time with them, but am so grateful for so many beautiful summer days where we could enjoy each others' company!  Some of our regular guests were Mindy, Jamie, Emily and Carrie and their kids.  Some special guests were Kim and her kids from Seattle, Muriel and her kids from Portland, and Marijean, Frank, and Matt and his kids from Portland.  I also loved it when Pat's EO group came for lunch one day! And when Pat's other friends came over for a fun dinner! 

Muriel sent me all these fun pictures from their visit! It was SO great to see them as the kids hadn't been able to hang out during the whole pandemic! And we've tried to get together a couple times since then and it hasn't worked because of kids being sick or kids' activities, so it makes me especially grateful! 

 Marijean, Frank and Matt brought pizza one night! It was so fun to spend time with them!