Thursday, October 4, 2018

First weeks of school

I didn't get the more traditional first day of school pics, but wanted to at least have some pictures of the kids during their first weeks of school! 

4th Grade!
1st Grade! 
Grace-3rd Grade      Leo-at home with Mom
The only time I can get Grace to do a real smile these days is when she's with her siblings:).  
And I had to include all three of these pics!
My siblings went off to school, and now I'm walking!! 
So sweet to see them biking each morning! 

Sister Saturday-fort time
Will wanted to join them! 
Then decided to make his own fort:).
Pat took Kate and Grace to the HS football games on a couple Friday nights, and Will stayed home.  It was sweet how Will and Annie hung out when the others were gone:).  

Funny picture of Annie:), but the sunset and view from our house was so pretty!!