Wednesday, January 11, 2017

December. . . .

We started the holiday season off with a trip to the Watt House for their annual Christmas tree lighting, and visit from Santa.  It was really fun, and the kids even got their picture in the paper!

I love when the tree and decorations are up! 

The kids had fun sledding with Annie down the hill right near our house.

We went to Chuck e cheese to celebrate Grace's birthday with a few of her friends from school.  Everyone had a great time!  Even Pat and I were surprised how relaxing it was to chat with the other parents while everything was taken care of!! 
Making purele frosted cupakes with sprinkles for her party! 

And celebrating with family on her actual birthday a couple days later! 

Christmas Pageant
Emily and Grace were shepherds in the school pageant! 


Their loot on Christmas morning:). 

Will bough antlers for Annie for Christmas:). 

Professional pics by Hayley! Her pictures turned out so great!

We made a kindness tree this year where each kid had to write something they did that was kind.  And every few days there would be a little prize! It was great!